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Our Beliefs

  • We believe the Bible is true.  II Timothy 3:16-17
  • We believe that Jesus died to save us from our sin, not in our sin.  I John 3:1-8
  • We believe the Church is the body of Christ and that every member has a spiritual gift to be used for the benefit of the body.                  I Corinthians 12:4-11

  • We believe that much of the Church today needs revival so that we can truly be the light of the world.  Ephesians 5:11-16

  • We believe that the Church should be united so that we can fight the spiritual war that we are in effectively.  John 17:20-21

  • We believe that the power of God is available to every believer to enable us to be who He has called us to be and to accomplish His will.  Ephesians 1:19-20          
  • We believe that signs, wonders, and miracles will follow those who believe.  Mark 16:17-18